During your marriage, you and your spouse have supported one household on a certain income. Now you will need to support two. In many situations, this change puts significant financial strain on one or both spouses. South Carolina's spousal support (sometimes called alimony, temporary support or spousal maintenance) laws are designed to alleviate this strain as fairly as possible.
At Ballinger Law Firm in Charleston, South Carolina, we regularly save clients' time and money by negotiating and/or mediating out-of-court spousal support and property division settlements that satisfy the needs of both parties while avoiding an uncertain court battle over this issue of spousal support. However, if the other party refuses to agree to a fair settlement, we will vigorously advocate for our clients' best interests at trial.
Serving individuals and families in the Tri-County area and throughout the Lowcountry, our firm represents parties requesting spousal support, as well as those opposing an award of spousal support.
Unlike other states, South Carolina has no law that guarantees an award of spousal support. If a request for spousal support is made, the court will consider several factors, but ultimately, the decision to award spousal support is in the discretion of the court. There is only one situation in which your Charleston spousal support lawyer can definitively tell you what will happen beforehand: where there is proof a spouse has committed adultery, that spouse is not entitled to receive spousal support.